St. Catherine’s Embrace is an outreach group to help families that have gone through the loss of a baby, whether it was a miscarriage (at any stage) or a still birth. We want to help those families know that they aren’t alone.

The mission of St. Catherine’s Embrace is to reach out to, assist and embrace all families in the St. George Deanery, regardless of faith affiliation, who have lost a child from miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.

What We Offer

We offer educational materials, beautiful memorial gifts, prayer support and compassionate resources to help you and your family cope with your loss. We also offer a healing Memorial Mass in October every year, to give you the opportunity to receive additional spiritual support


We have a  wonderful group of individuals located here in Putnam County  that help us make, create and assemble each memory box. We are always looking for unique and special items for each box.  If you feel like you’d like to giveback in a special way please click below to see how you can serve.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know would like to receive a memory box or if you have any questions; please click below to our contact page.

If you would like more information on St. Catherine’s Embrace and would like to become a part of our Mission please click the link below .