About Us

Our Mission is to reach out and embrace families in the St. George Deanery and beyond, regardless of faith, who have lost a child through the tragedy of miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. We understand it is a unique loss. And we believe that, because life begins at conception, it is a loss that deserves to be recognized, mourned and honored.

Our Beliefs

  •  We believe that life begins at the moment of conception and that every individual is “fearfully
    and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) as a unique creation of God.
  • We believe that grief from infant loss is often not recognized and can be harmfully minimized by
    the culture.
  • We believe the Catholic Church and its teachings on the sanctity of all human life can be a source
    of spiritual healing for families experiencing infant loss.
  • We believe that loving support from a faith community can aid in the grieving process.
  •  We believe no family should have to walk this path alone.
  • We believe every life deserves to be recognized, mourned and celebrated.

Our Goals

  •  To provide practical and spiritual information, compassionate support, education, options and resources on infant loss to local families, parishes and healthcare organizations.
  • To provide ways to memorialize and honor the babies who were with us for only a short time.
  •  To love others through this corporal and spiritual work of mercy at a great time of need
  • To validate, honor and advance the Church’s pro-life teaching that all life is sacred and that life begins at the moment of conception.

Miscarriage and Infant Loss Memorial Mass every October.

Did you or someone you love lose a child through miscarriage, still birth or infant death? Come receive spiritual consolation at the annual St. Catherine’s Embrace Memorial Mass.

All our welcome at this special Mass, whether your loss was recent or years ago. Those outside Putnam County are also warmly invited. This Mass will fulfill the regular Sunday obligation as well.

If you have any questions about the Mass or St. Catherine’s Embrace, please contact us.